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Edelweiss Institution conducted a constructive audience with Research, Cooperation, Information Systems, and Enterprise (RKSIU) of the Faculty of Educational and Psychology (FIPP) of Yogyakarta State University (UNY) on Wednesday, March 6, 2024. During a meeting held in the UNY FIPP meeting room, a delegation from this foundation, led by Miske Ferlani, Head of the Edelweiss School and Kurnia Hartati, discussed cooperation initiatives related to the EDelweiss Scholarship Program.
According to Miske, their presence in FIPP UNY aims to establish partnerships in support of education in Indonesia, especially in the area where Edelweiss School operates. The Edelweiss Scholarship Programme was initiated as a form of commitment to improving the quality of education in the homeland. Furthermore, the scholarships are intended to finance the education of students of the final semester, in the hope that they will join and make a positive contribution to the EdelWeiss School.
"The purpose of this Edelweiss scholarship is very multi-dimensional. First, we want to support the education of students who are in the final stages of their studies. Second, we would like to increase the teaching staff at Edelweiss School because we are experiencing an increase in the number of classes and interest of students. Third, to provide valuable internship experience for students who aspire to be teachers, and finally, to improve the quality of education in EdelWeiss School through the addition of qualified human resources," Kurnia said.
From FIPP UNY, this audience was attended by the Vice Dean RKSIU, Dr. Siti Rohmah Nurhayati, M.Si, the Chair of the Early Childhood Education Department, Dr. Muthmainnah, M.Pd, and the Secretary of the Early Childhood Education Department, Dr. Nur Hayati, M.Pd. Dr. Siti Rohmah welcomed this cooperation offer, seeing it as a positive opportunity to support broader educational goals, especially within the framework of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Partnership and Education.
"This meeting opens up significant potential for cooperation. This cooperation not only benefits the level of early childhood education, but also contributes to the goals of sustainable development, the partnership's SDGs. We hope to identify further forms of this cooperation and establish mutually beneficial relationships," said Dr. Siti Rohmah.
Dr. Muthmainnah also responded positively to the cooperation offer, stating that the next step is to try to follow up by preparing a cooperation document. FIPP UNY is also open to exploring cooperation in other fields that can have a positive impact on the world of education.
The meeting created a bright prospect for a sustainable partnership between Edelweiss School and UNY FIPP, which is expected to make a real contribution to achieving the goals of sustainable development, especially in the context of quality and inclusive education. (rit)

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