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Workshop on the Preparation of FIPP UNY Work Program 2024: Improving Service Quality and Human Resource Development

Yogyakarta, January 22, 2024 - The Faculty of Education and Psychology of Yogyakarta State University (FIPP UNY) held a Workshop on the Preparation of Work Programs for 2024. This activity was attended by the Dean of FIPP UNY, Prof. Dr. Nurtanio Agus Purwanto, M.Pd., as the main speaker.
In his speech, Prof. Nurtanio said that the priorities of FIPP UNY in 2024 focus on four main aspects, which are: Human Resources Development, Facilities and Infrastructure Development, Quality of Service Development to the Academic Community through FIPP Culture Development Efforts, and building a system that is connected between fields to optimize information services.
"Human resource development through advanced study programs, promotion, and promotion for both lecturers and education staff is our focus. We will also improve facilities and infrastructure with the construction of an 8th floor lecture building at FIPP campus II, the development of a Laboratory School at Campus III, and maintaining a safe, clean, and tidy environment," said Prof. Nurtanio.
After receiving directions from the Dean of FIPP, this Workshop activity continued with guidance and discussions within each field. The discussions were focused on the Academic, Student Affairs, and Alumni fields, the Planning, Finance, and Resources field, as well as the Research, Collaboration, Information Systems, and Business field.
The workshop participants consist of academic staff, educational personnel, and relevant parties at FIPP UNY. They are enthusiastic about attending this event as a platform to develop work programs that align with the vision and mission of the Faculty of Education and Psychology, UNY.
This workshop is expected to be a constructive first step in achieving the strategic goals of FIPP UNY for 2024. Through collaboration and a detailed understanding of the needs of the faculty, it is hoped that FIPP UNY can improve and provide the best service for the academic community. (rit)

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